Sunday, August 24, 2014

Brined Radishes


Nothing reminds me more of summer than brined radishes.  Usually harsh and almost peppery to eat whole, when soaked in a salt solution it cuts the bite of this crisp vegetable.  My mother would always have a bowl of these sitting in the fridge for us to munch on.  My husband now buys them often so that I can prepare them and set them in the fridge for him to snack on.  So easy to make and so good for you.   Radishes are a natural diuretic and help your kidney function.  They are also anti inflammatory and regular consumption can help regulate blood pressure.  Additionally, they are full of antioxidants.  Of course, all vegetables are good for you but variety is the key to getting great nutrition in your body and radishes are a great way to change things up a bit in your diet!



  • 1 bunch radishes 
  • 2 cups water (or enough to cover radishes)
  • 1 Tbs salt
  • (and that's it!  So simple!)


  1.  The real method is in the preparation of the radishes.  Cut all green parts off the vegetable and the ends off.
  2. With a sharp knife make a criss-cross cut into one end of the radish.  This is so the salt solution penetrates its interior.  If the radish is GIGANTIC, cut in half and make the cross in each piece.
  3. Dissolve the salt in the water.
  4. Add the radishes to the salt water.
  5. Let it sit in the fridge for about an hour before munching.

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